Development update - 2024

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Development update - 2024

Posted: February 2, 2024

I hope this message finds you well. As some of you may know, I’ve been working on updates and improvements for the software for the past few months. I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for your continued use and support. Your feedback has been invaluable, and I’m thrilled to see that many of you find the tool useful.

To those of you who have generously donated or reached out to me, thank you. Your contributions and support mean a great deal to me.

🥇 Development Update 🥇

Currently, I am focused on refining the new User Interface (UI). While parts of the UI are still under construction, I’m excited to announce that we now have a functional plugin system in place. Our existing plugins for DCS, Joystick Gremlin, and Star Citizen have been successfully integrated with this new system.

One of the significant updates is the addition of modifier support to the core application. This feature has been extended to DCS and Star Citizen, with an emphasis on joystick support but with potential for future expansion to include keyboard support based on user demand.

The new UI also allows for greater customization compared to the previous version. A notable enhancement is the ability to chain together profiles within the tool, enabling you to combine binds from different plugins into a single diagram.


With the introduction of modifier support, I am seeking your feedback regarding your expectations for these templates.

Users can now associate a device to a template file. No more naming your templates to match your device name (I promise) - This should make usubility far better.

The current plan is to introduce new keys that you can incorporate into your own diagrams, such as BUTTON_1_MODIFIERS.

Your input will be instrumental in shaping this feature and welcomed!

Additional game support

With the plugin system built, there is no longer any UI work required which makes writing a plugin far easier and decoupled from the horrors of version 1.

After the new version is out, my next native support will be for BMS.

For those interested in the initial development documentation, you can access it at this

Release date

Nothing planned yet, but an initial 2.0 Alpha release is on the horizon.

What will make this go faster? Support. Any help to adjust templates to the new standards would be greatly appreciated once we have them finalised.

I’ll also be looking for additional testers for pre-alpha builds, which will take place on the discord.


Join the Discord for custom templates, support and development updates / test builds
