DCS World Support

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1.1 - DCS World Support

Posted: September 29, 2020

Happy to announce the application now supports DCS World

DCS World Support

  • Now supports DCS World profiles
  • Choose which profiles you want to export
  • Include/Exclude Easy Modes

Joystick Gremlin

  • Can now choose profiles to export

General Features

  • Refactored code to allow me to expand this over time
  • Better UI with new framework to give me more options to expand this over time
  • Better logging/playback of what’s going on to users
  • Much better test coverage and UI tests added

Known Issues

  • AJS37 (Viggen) exports may be clunky due to characters used (Planned to fix)
  • DCS Descriptions can be quite verbose, planned feature to allow customisation of these strings
dcs-world joystick-gremlin